Our #GrowSustainableFood Series delivered directly from the Sustainable Table is designed to help you do just that – grow sustainable food at home. No matter where you live or what your space, we want to empower you to get growing, to nurture and to enjoy. Here we give you the tools you need to commence. All you need is a big fat ‘yes I can’ attitude!

For the gardener who wants to see immediate results, seedlings will become your best mates.
As the The Little Veggie Patch Co. says, “while propagating from seed is no doubt the most cost-effective way to grow your own food, when you enter the season late or simply don’t have the time to invest, we can always fall back on the seedling.”
The video here shares a wonderful video guide on how best to introduce seedlings into your home soil. They share some important tips and tricks about transplanting seedlings from their little store-bought punnet into your own earth – and they’re very useful.
From watering them 15 minutes before giving them a new home to separating out each little seedling – The Little Veggie Patch Co. know how to do it best.
Thanks, Little Veggie Patch Co. for your useful tips and the image.